This is just a short blog before my biological clock completely malfunctions. Pulling all nighters every day for the past week turned me into a living zombie and now I'm suffering from a condition I never thought I would suffer from: insomnia... I just can't seem to be able to go back to sleep after 5am!
Anyways, exams are really stressful and I really wish I had started studying months before the exam crunch began.
I came up with 3 tips to reduce stress during the exam time that I'm going to strictly abide by for the next 2 weeks.
1. Force yourself to take breaks.
Breaks are so important especially during cramming time. Your brain needs time to process the huge amount of information intake. So make sure you take at least 10 minute break after an hour of studying!
2. Know when to say NO!
It's really important to get your priorities straight during exam crunch time. Going out with friends might seem harmless at the moment but always remember the closer you are to the exam date the heavier the consequences will be. Remember, you want to get good GPA.
3. Be confident!
Always keep in mind that you are no less prepared than anybody else in your classroom. Trust that you have done the best you could and relax and smile going into that gymnasium :)
Cant wait till freedom!
clara xoxo